Exploration Methods
Typically, a hydrogeologic reconnaissance is performed prior to geophysical exploration. State-of-the-art technologies are then utilized to gather information on the subsurface features that control the ground-water environment.
Data Processing
Computer-aided interpretation and evaluation of field geophysical data is analyzed and compared with known hydrogeological information in order to select a location for further exploration by test drilling.
Data Library
Geoconsultants, Inc. maintains an extensive geologic and hydrogeologic library, which can be accessed through a computerized indexing system. Prior to initiating field operations, a thorough search is made of this resource to provide information on regional conditions, existing nearby wells, and similar projects performed in the vicinity.
Drilling Observation
Observation of drilling operations and analysis of subsurface lithologic samples and electrical logs provide information, such as the depth, diameter, screen placement and perforation size, and cement seal depth, needed to design high performance water wells.
Well Analysis
Once the well is completed, aquifer tests and water sample analyses can be performed to determine the optimum water quantity and quality that can be expected.